Category: Latest news

We passed with flying colours!


We are pleased to share that Hamble Point Sailing School, the sea school branch of the company has passed our recent RYA inspection with a perfect score, and absolutely nothing to remedy! The inspector has confirmed that our fleet of yachts is in excellent order and we had confirmation that our sailing school is being run really well meeting all the expected standards.

As an RYA training centre, we are an accredited sailing school. This means we are regularly assessed and inspected by the Royal Yachting Association to ensure common standards of competence, training, and safety. This is essential for us to teach and examine RYA Training and Recognised Qualifications with our students.

If you'd like to[...]

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A fresh new look!

Our brochure covers have been updated and have a fresh new look! With updated branding, and eye-catching blocks of our brand colours! We are gradually working our way through all our literature and some of our external signage (so keep your eyes peeled around the marina) we hope our customers like the new look. We are also undergoing a transformation of the office, and have recently removed the partition wall, to open up our working space.

We look forward to sharing our new look with customers in the coming weeks, and you hope the new spacious office enhancements benefit both our working team and those sailing with us when checking in/ out for your yacht handovers in the future.

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An exciting new sailing app!

Have you logged your sailing on the SailTies app? Hamble Point Yacht Charter recommends SailTies app for capturing all your sailing, including your upcoming trip! It’s easy to log the miles to your nautical CV on SailTies, instead of updating a paper logbook.

Exclusive for customers: Tag the Hamble Point Yacht Charter group and join our official miles leaderboard! SailTies is free on iOS and Android, works offline & uses low battery.


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Winter Offers are available now!

With low season rates in full swing and the busy Summer months now behind us, now really is a great time to enjoy sailing at discount prices! November has totally crept up on us so our Winter Offers are now available to book!

Winter months offer the perfect opportunity to snuggle down inside your bunk for a cosy night, you can easily find a berth, there are no queues in the shower block and most marinas offer cheaper mooring rates - all great reasons to get out in the water and enjoying some brisk winter sailing!

From 1st November 2022 up until 8th March 2023, our Winter Offers are available giving you even more incredible pricing on midweek or 4-day weekend charters!

Plus, did[...]

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Gift vouchers!

The perfect gift for the sailor in your life, our gift vouchers can be customised to any given amount and are redeemable against all of our courses.

Valid for one calendar year, you can be sure to pick and choose what course works for you and redeem vouchers at your own convenience. 

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