Standard Equipment

All our yachts are privately owned and each one has the owner’s personal choice of equipment on board. However, all boats comply with the MCA Code of Practice.  Our standard inventory is listed below but most yachts have additional equipment, listed in the individual yacht’s specification:

LiferaftCrockery/cutleryCurrent AlmanacMain anchor
Lifejackets (crew +2)GlassesSpeed/wind/depth log & echo sounderKedge anchor
Child Lifejackets (on request)MugsVHFBoat hook
Safety harnessesCheese graterCharts and folios for the local areaFenders & warps
FlaresCooking utensilsGPSDinghy/pump/oars
Fire extinguishersSaucepans/frying panHandheld compassBosun’s chair
Fire blanketKettle & teapotClock & barometerTool kit
Smoke and gas detectorsCafetiereSteering compassEngine spares
FoghornChopping boardDeviation cardSpare fuel and water cans
Lifebuoys and DanbuoyTin opener/Bottle opener and corkscrewBinocularsShip’s documents
Emergency tillerCooking implementsDomestic radio/CDBoat manual
Emergency VHF AerialTea towels x 2Q & courtesy flagsInstruction manuals
Bilge pumpsWashing up materialsWind/depth instrumentShore power connection
Radar reflectorWashing up liquidEmergency lightsSpare batteries, bulbs and fuses
TorchesCleaning materialsNavigation materialsRepair kits
SearchlightDustpan & brushPortland plotterStorm jib
Full first aid kit and bookClothes pegsPencils & rubberMotoring & anchor ball
Daily first aid kitPillows & pillow casesNotepadWater hose and connector
Handheld VHFGas bottle & spareSocket adapters (where applicable)
Toilet rolls & kitchen roll
Bedding available for hire