Exploring the Wildlife of the Solent

The Solent consists of a stretch of water separating the Isle of Wight from the mainland of England and is a vibrant marine environment rich with diverse wildlife. This unique body of water, characterized by its strong tides and varying habitats, is a haven for many species. From the bustling shores to the deeper waters, the Solent offers a fascinating glimpse into the marine and coastal ecosystems of Southern England.

Coastal Birds: The Solent's Feathered Residents

The Solent's varied habitats, including salt marshes, mudflats, and dunes, support a wide array of bird species, making it a birdwatcher's paradise. Notable bird species include:

  • Brent Goose (Branta bernicla): These migratory geese are winter visitors to the Solent, arriving from the Arctic tundra. Large flocks can be seen grazing on eelgrass in the intertidal zones.
  • Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula): With distinctive black and white markings, these small waders are often spotted scurrying along sandy beaches, foraging for invertebrates.
  • Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta): Recognizable by their striking black and white plumage and upturned bills, avocets are frequently seen in the Solent's saline lagoons and mudflats.
  • Turnstone (Arenaria interpres): These sturdy little birds, with their mottled brown and white feathers, are experts at flipping over stones and debris to find food, hence their name.

Marine Mammals: The Solent's Aquatic Creatures

The Solent's waters are home to several marine mammal species, some of which are permanent residents while others are occasional visitors:

  • Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena): These small, elusive cetaceans commonly travel in small groups of around six. Growing to around 1.5 metres in length they are less lively than other porpoise species but if you're blessed with calm waters you can often spot them surfacing to breathe.
  • Common Seal (Phoca vitulina): Also known as harbor seals, they are curious and playful but enjoy plenty of space. Chichester Harbour is known as the only common seal ‘rookery’ in the Eastern English Channel but the species enjoy feeding in Southampton Waters and the Isle of Wight. We have a few resident seals in the River Hamble itself and recent reports of pups being born at Beaulieu, Buckler's Hard.
  • Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): The Solent is regularly visited by common and bottlenose dolphins these intelligent and playful dolphins are more visible during the summer months when fish stocks are abundant.

Plant Life: The Solent's Submerged Meadows

The underwater landscapes of the Solent are lush with various plant species, contributing to the area's biodiversity:

  • Seagrass (Zostera marina): Forming dense underwater meadows, seagrass provides essential habitat and nursery grounds for many marine species. These meadows are vital for maintaining the health of the Solent's ecosystem. The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust has set a mission to see seagrass habitats in the Solent restored. The Solent Seagrass Restoration Project has actively been planting new seedlings and reharvesting them.
  • Kelp (Laminaria spp.): These large, brown algae create underwater forests which are crucial for supporting marine biodiversity and protecting shorelines from erosion. Scientists have been trialing kelp farming specifically along the Langstone Harbour to benefit the environment, improve water quality, and provide food and shelter for many species.

The Solent is more than just a body of water; it's a dynamic and diverse ecosystem teeming with life. Whether you're a marine enthusiast, a conservationist, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, the Solent offers endless opportunities to connect with nature and discover the wonders of the marine world. Next time you're in southern England explore this coastal gem onboard our diverse range of sailing yachts to immerse yourself in the rich local wildlife.

If you have children onboard why not encourage them to spot some of these species and other points of interest whilst you're sailing with our very own i-spy on The Solent.




